Different Types of Pest Control
A pest attacks crops in the farm, fruit trees in the backyard, Napier for the animals and all the plants which are beneficial to the humans and their pets. Some insects are very harmful in attacking the crops while in other cases you find that it is a life stage of specific harmless insect and in other cases you see that it is a rodent that attacks the plants. In most cases you will find that attack on the crops is selective in that it is done by some of the pests while some of the pests attack any plant they come across.
When pests attack a plant or the farm if they cause a significant loss, and in the recent past it is reported that pests are becoming more and more to the extent that some are not manageable and can only be eliminated by eliminating the crops and destroying them. When most people are dealing with the pests the only thing they need to do is to have the best method which will be used to eliminate them without having to destroy the crop in the field and hence there is need to engage more mind. The First way that should be applied to any person when they want to make sure that no pests are defeating them in the fields are cultural methods.
Practices like digging and hallowing will ensure that the pests that were building up in the soil are disturbed and killed, and also those who were hiding in the ground are exposed to sun and murdered. Sometimes you will be required to deal with the pest without causing any harm to the plans and also to the person who will consume the plant, and therefore the most important thing is to ensure that there are such methods like the biological method.
You will need to introduce a natural predator to the pest so as to ensure that these pests are eaten away, and they will not exist on the farm. Most of the pests which attack crops have no natural predator, and it also becomes hard to make a pest for them in the firm and hence biological method has those challenges to face. The Method that is successfully used for almost all the pests attacking the crops include the chemical method which is one of the ways that makes people have some hope when they are severely attacked by the pests.
Chemical method involves application of poison to the plant such that when the pest feeds on the plant, it dies awhile some of the chemicals are sprayed directly to kill the pests. Despite the fact poisons have an adverse effect on the bodies of people who may feed sprayed plans it is also equally important because it helps in elimination of almost all the pests. When people are dealing with substantial animals like some rodents one may use the traps which are also another method.
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